


We are operating tester machines to ensure all material to our customers' specificaiton for,

the final products, as well as the development.

Crock Meter

Crock Meter is used to determine the discolored extent for the dyed textile or dyed leather by abrasion method.

Abrasion Tester

Abrasion testing is used to test the abrasive resistance of solid materials.

Tensile Strength Tester

Tension testing is a fundamental materials science
and engineering test in which a sample is subjected to a controlled tension until failure.

Tearing Strength Tester

Tearing Strength Tester is a consistent tool useful to determine
the tearing strength of fabrics, similar materials.

Water Resistance Tester

It measures the resistance of fabrics to the penetration of water by impact,
and thus can be used to predict the probable rain penetration resistance of textile fabrics.